Friday, November 7, 2014

PMD, Neurosurgery, Cardiology-Pleural Effusion

Yesterday I had the CT Scan with contrast which was fine, quick and not to much trouble other than the Tech having a bit of trouble getting the IV. Note to myself, apparently they know how to use Ports, so ask in the future ahead of time!
My PMD, Dr.Simpson messaged today with the results and to say she had spoken with my Neurosurgeon, Dr.Bragg regarding the results (see CT Scan results below and Dr.Simpson's comment right below this) - Below the CT Scan results are another message received later this afternoon from Dr.S regarding the Shunt surgery and her conversation with Dr.Bragg.
11/7/2014 12:33 PM CST
The ct scan report is below. Upon review of the prior ct scan and this one and discussion with Dr. Bragg. --the consensus is that the pleural effusion is likely multifactorial--partially possibly from the heart and partially from the shunt. Due to the area of " mixed Density area" you may benefit from having some of the fluid removed to ensure no infection contributing to the symptoms. When is the pulmonary appointment as they would be the ones to set that up? It should be done prior to the upcoming shunt surgery if possible since it could affect how the surgery was done/antibiotics, etc. PJS, MD
Ct scan showed: 1. Small to moderate sized right pleural effusion with associated consolidation at the right lung base. The effusion appears to demonstrate subtle mixed density posteriorly of questionable significance. This also may represent imaging artifact.
2. Catheter again seen extending from the spinal canal into the right pleural space. The tip of the catheter within the pleural space has changed since the previous study and now lies near the lateral interlobar fissure.
Regarding the Pulmonary consult I spoke w this clinic and then Dr.Simpson spoke directly with the Pulmonary On-call dr. and the soonest Appt is what I have in Dec. unless symptoms would worsen.
11/7/2014 Lets see what cardiology says and how your symptoms go. I know that Dr. Bragg really wants to keep the surgery at the same time for now. If cardiology is okay and you don't have any worsening symptoms I am probably going to be okay with proceeding with surgery. However, if symptoms get worse, you get a fever or feel more ill then we should probably wait until you can see pulmonary. PJS, MD

I emailed this information to my Cardiologist, his NP and Nurse and will f/up (likely call) them on Monday to see what their opinion is regarding surgery. It may be my Cardiologist wants to see what the PFT results are (those are Tues) so we'll see and i'll keep praying!
I don't particularly want to have surgery but I do want to feel better so I hope these symptoms either improve or at the very least stay stable.
Thanks for stopping by,

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